Manual breast pump
It becomes one of the most basic and simple breast pumps, but not for that simpler or more comfortable. Basically a manual breast pump is a breast pump that needs to be held in place with one hand, while the milk needs to be pumped with the other.
Even when it is an economical option, it is not exactly the most comfortable because it is necessary for the mother to carry out all the work. Still, it’s a useful option for those who don’t need to pump too often, or as a backup to an electric breast pump.
Battery operated breast pump
For its operation, this type of breast pump uses the energy it obtains through the battery to extract milk from the breasts. Since they can work without depending on any cable, it is a convenient option since you do not depend on any plug.
Of course, for the most optimal use possible, it is necessary to always make sure to always have new batteries available, or to be able to use reusable batteries.
Electric breast pump
They are breast pumps that, for their operation, must be connected to the power outlet, and thus pump the milk from the breasts practically automatically. Today it is possible to find single breast pumps or double breast pumps on the market.
Double breast pump
A double breast pump are electric pumps that use two breast shields to be able to express milk directly from both breasts at the same time. This can help in a very positive way when you need to express milk frequently, or when it comes to reducing the expression time as much as possible (approximately by half).
There are also other options available in addition to those mentioned above. A good example is found in the portable breast pump, which can be placed inside a bra, or a shirt, and express milk comfortably while carrying out other tasks or activities.
Advantages and disadvantages of using the breast pump
Main advantages of using the breast pump
Help with supply problems. Expressing breast milk can become a helpful option in addressing some issues related to your breast milk supply. For example, it can help to have breast milk stored if you are worried about a decreased supply, or it can be helpful to increase the amount when done after each session.
Better control over time. Controlling the time related to food can be of some help when it comes to returning to work. Thus, those who care for the baby can offer the same healthy milk. In addition, it can also be very helpful in freeing up more time.
When the mother only breastfeeds, she must always be aware of the child’s meals when he demands it, which in turn includes several nocturnal awakenings. However, when using a breast pump, it is possible to share that feeding with the partner and with any other member of the family, in turn helping the mother feel more rested.
Main Disadvantages Of Using The Breast Pump
- Fewer benefits for the baby’s immune system. Although expressed breast milk is still healthy for the little one, since there is no feedback loop between breast milk and the baby when the mother expresses her milk exclusively, this may mean that it is not as adapted to the needs of the little one, for which could offer less benefit to your immune system.
- Sore nipples and other discomfort. Many women may experience sore nipples, as well as other directly related discomfort.
- Higher investment and additional expenses. You probably know that exclusive breastfeeding is free. But the extraction of breast milk requires investing in a useful device for it, and also in different accessories such as the case of milk storage bags.
Storage related issues. Depending on the supply, some moms can express a huge amount of breast milk. Since it expires, even when frozen, storing it properly can end up being very difficult.
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